Povodom premijere igrane serije Harley i Davidsonovi koja je na Discovery Channelu zakazana za nedjelju, 18. rujna u 22 sata, u Zagreb su stigli motocikli sa snimanja, modeli prvih Harley-Davidsona u povijesti. Cvjetni su trg čitav dan krasili ovi vintage ljepotani, ali i novi modeli Harley-Davidson motocikala. Posjetitelji su uz razgledavanje uživali i u virtualnoj vožnji Harleyem, a članovi H.O.G. Pleter Chapter Croatia su pokazali kako danas izgledaju pravi bajkeri. Cijelo je događanje bila najava za igranu mini seriju Discovery ... Pročitaj nastavak
Zagreb u srijedu 14. rujna postaje meka za sve istinske ljubitelje motocikala, jer na Cvjetni trg stižu modeli prvih Harley-Davidsona u povijesti. Riječ je o motociklima iz serije Harley i Davidsonovi, čija je premijera najavljena za 18. rujna na Discovery Channelu. Radi se o igranoj seriji temeljenoj na stvarnim događajima, koja nas vraća na početak 20. stoljeća i prati Billa Harley i braću Davidson dok sastavljaju prve motocikle te osnivaju legendarnu kompaniju Harley-Davidson. Na Cvjetnom trgu će od 12 sati ... Pročitaj nastavak
Motorcycles are not made for surfing. They do not float. They are not waterproof. Well, Robbie Maddison don't think so! <a href="http://www.facebook.com/Discovery/videos/10154045558017917/?pnref=story">http://www.facebook.com/Discovery/videos/10154045558017917/?pnref=story</a> Pročitaj nastavak
Dauntless, irreverent, unheard of, the new XDiavel breaches the world of cruisers with Ducati values, merging concepts that apparently stand worlds apart. Travelling and relaxing to the comfort of forward controls combines with the performance and handling of a real Ducati. The new Ducati Testastretta DVT 1262 engine reconciles the two different personalities of the XDiavel, ensuring superbike muscle and a flat torque curve from the low rev range upwards. XDiavel represents the merger of two worlds: that of the ... Pročitaj nastavak
Lewis Hamilton and the Dragster RR have much in common. They are both radical and extreme as regards style, are obsessive about detail, exuberant, bold and fear no rivals. They share the same winning nature and desire for the absolute. Together, they form an irresistible force which, summed up in just a few letters, will become legendary: Dragster RR LH 44. The intrinsic value of a hand-built Dragster RR featuring special parts and finishes will now be even higher as ... Pročitaj nastavak
Piaggio Beverly napravio je revoluciju na tržištu zbog svoje agilnosti, pouzanosti i sigurnosti. Njegove sjajne performance omogućile su mu da se lansira u sam vrh prestižnog segmenta skutera s visokim kotačima. Tijekom godina Beverly se mijenjao, uvijek opstajući na vrhu zahvaljujući udobnosti i pouzdanosti koju dokazuje na gradskim putovanjima, ali i na izletima van grada. Piaggio Beverly 300 od sada je dostupan s ABS/ASR sustavom te agregatom koji zadovoljava Euro4 normu. Novost je i „bike finder“, koji omogućava lakše pronalaženje ... Pročitaj nastavak
Since its founding in 1926, Ducati has been characterized by one thing above all else: Authentic Italian Performance. To celebrate the 90 years in which the company has grown to be the world's premier manufacturer of sport motorcycles, the new 1299 Panigale S Anniversario sets a new performance benchmark, with the style and sophistication that sets Ducatis apart. The 1299 Panigale S Anniversario is a strictly limited edition of 500 examples worldwide. Each bike features a special, machined billet aluminium ... Pročitaj nastavak
Harley on Tour, Harley-Davidson Zagreb svim vozačima motocikala nudi mogućnost da testiraju jedan od 23 Harley-Davidson modela motocikala. Besplatne demo vožnje biti će organizirane za javnost 25. i 26.06. 2016. na parkiralištu King Cross Jankomir, Velimira Škorpika 34, Zagreb. Za predstavnike medija probne vožnje su bile organizirane u petak, 24.06. 2016. pa smo se s zadovoljstvom odazvali te isprobali nekoliko modela, među kojima FLSTF 103 Fat Boy i V-Rod Muscle. Ovo je sjajna prilika, budući da svi zainteresirani imaju na ... Pročitaj nastavak
Turismo Veloce is the boldest bike ever made by MV Agusta. This time we didn't take our inspiration from our 75 world titles or our legendary riders to set new speed or power records. We did, however, accept a challenge that was perhaps even more difficult, at least for us who feel at home on the track and are often the first to see the chequered flag flying: to make an MV Agusta touring bike The fact that it is ... Pročitaj nastavak
Odabrani prodavatelji Piaggio Grupe posjetili su sjedište Piaggio Grupe u Pontederi povodom dolaska na tržište novog skutera Piaggio Medley. Zajedno s prodavateljima iz ostalih europskih zemalja, prošli su prodajnu obuku tijekom koje im je detaljne informacije o proizvodu prenio tim ljudi zaslužan za dizajn i razvoj novog skutera Piaggio Medley. Posjet su iskoristili i za upoznavanje s proizvodnim procesima u pogonima Piaggio tvornice, kao i posjet Piaggio muzeju u kojem se čuva impozantna kolekcija povijesnih Vespa modela, počevši od prototipa ... Pročitaj nastavak
The Monster S4RS Tricolore was made in limited edition of only 400 made. S4RS Tricolore was the flagship of the Monster family in the year 2008 and still today, it is one of the most beautiful high performance motorcycles you can find. Its Italian design heritage is expressed by the colours of the Italian flag and its sporting heart could not be better represented than by the racing technology and absolute racing performance it embraces. The liquid-cooled, 4-valve per cylinder, ... Pročitaj nastavak
The KTM 1290 Super Duke GT sets new performance standards: 173hp and a weight of only 228kg (ready to ride - fully fueled) produce a power-to-weight ratio previously unheard of in this class. The dynamics are stunning. At the same time, the powerful and cultivated engine enables either particularly relaxed riding or, if required, super-sporty propulsion – with every conceivable level in between. The chassis combines lightness with outstanding geometry and suspension, which, together with every electronic riding features we ... Pročitaj nastavak